We believe that to solve the problems, whatever they are, it is necessary to act at the eginning, before anticipating the appearance of potential problems. For this reason we always consider the project, the aim and the result as a whole, since there is no means without an end, there is no result without a means.
The goals we set ourselves aim at creating pieces, unique but united, which contribute to improving the conditions of the world around us. Water, Air, Earth, are the basic elements that surround us and that allow us life. OUR PROJECT is to help create heterogeneous applications that can act directly and indirectly to improve the health of the basic elements of the world, OUR AIM and to contribute as much as possible to providing the correct applications to reduce overall pollution, OUR RESULT is the trust that we place in our partners and customers who believe in the results obtained and who adopt them.
Graphene is a monoatomic layer of carbon and was obtained for the first time with the separation of the graphite planes in 2004 from two physicists from the University of Manchester: Adrej Gejm and Konstantin Novoselov. They managed to isolate it and measure its properties, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.
Graphene is recognized as super-material thanks to its characteristics of resistance and flexibility that it can transmit in some applications to the products to which it binds, superabsorbent qualities capable of capturing organic molecules and nano particles purifying the filtered water, qualities of conductor exceptional electrical and thermal which can be extremely interesting for specific applications. It is inert, safe, recyclable, versatile, its structure makes it substantially transparent but at the same time not even helium, the noble gas with the smallest atoms, can pass through it. The biggest challenge today is to be able to exploit the properties of graphene by adapting technology to industrial production capable of transferring its exceptional potential to our daily lives. Grafenix has distinguished itself in this context by forging partnerships with relevant manufacturers in its sectors of belonging.
Grafenix S.r.l.
Corso Venezia, 54 – 20121 – Milano
P. Iva / Cod. Fisc. 11062080962
E-mail: info@grafenix.it